Homes For Sale in Grand Falls

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Population & demographics

Total population


Population age (%)

0-19 (17%)20-34 (14%)35-49 (16%)50-64 (24%)65+ (29%)


Average household income


Household composition (%)

Single person (38%)Multi person (3%)Single Family (59%)

Owners / Renters (%)

Owners (62%)Renters (38%)

Mother Tongue (%)

French (76%)English (19%)English and French (4%)

Grand Falls, New Brunswick, offers a relaxed lifestyle with an average commute time of just 20 minutes to the nearest major town, Edmundston. The community is known for its friendly, bilingual residents who enjoy outdoor activities, including hiking, fishing, and snowmobiling, thanks to the town's proximity to the Saint John River and the Appalachian Mountains. Grand Falls is loved for its stunning natural beauty, particularly the Grand Falls Gorge, a must-see local attraction. The town also boasts a vibrant arts scene with regular cultural events and festivals. However, don't expect the hustle and bustle of a big city; Grand Falls is a place where nature and tranquillity take centre stage. The town's amenities are modest but sufficient, with a selection of restaurants, shops, and services that cater to residents' needs.

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