Homes For Sale in Moncton

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Population & demographics

Total population


Population age (%)

0-19 (20%)20-34 (21%)35-49 (20%)50-64 (19%)65+ (19%)


Average household income


Household composition (%)

Single person (34%)Multi person (8%)Single Family (57%)

Owners / Renters (%)

Owners (56%)Renters (44%)

Mother Tongue (%)

English (61%)French (29%)Others (4%)English and French (3%)Arabic (1%)

Moncton, Westmorland, is a vibrant city with a commute time of approximately 2 hours to the nearest major city, Saint John. The local lifestyle is a blend of urban sophistication and small-town charm, with an array of outdoor activities, cultural events, and a thriving food scene. Residents love the city's natural beauty, particularly the Petitcodiac River, often referred to as the "Chocolate River" due to its unique colour, and the Tidal Bore, a natural phenomenon that attracts tourists from around the world. The city also boasts a rich Acadian heritage, which is celebrated through various festivals and events throughout the year. However, don't expect a fast-paced, big-city lifestyle. Moncton is a place where community spirit thrives, and people take the time to enjoy life's simple pleasures. The city's low crime rate, affordable housing, and high-quality education make it an ideal place for families, while its vibrant arts scene and numerous recreational opportunities appeal to individuals of all ages.

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