Homes For Sale in Edmonton

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AbbottsfieldAlbanyAlberta AvenueAlberta Park IndustrialAldergroveAllardAllendaleAmblesideAnthony HendayAnthony Henday Big LakeAnthony Henday CastledownsAnthony Henday ClareviewAnthony Henday Energy ParkAnthony Henday Horse HillAnthony Henday Lake DistrictAnthony Henday MistatimAnthony Henday RampartAnthony Henday SouthAnthony Henday South BlackburneAnthony Henday South EastAnthony Henday South WestAnthony Henday TerwillegarArgyllArmstrong IndustrialAspen GardensAsterAthloneAvonmoreBalwinBannermanBaranowBaturynBeacon HeightsBearspawBeaumarisBelgraviaBelle RiveBellevueBelmeadBelmontBelvedereBergmanBeverly HeightsBissetBlackburneBlackmud CreekBlackmud Creek RavineBlatchford AreaBlue QuillBlue Quill EstatesBonaventure IndustrialBonnie DoonBoyle StreetBrander GardensBreckenridge GreensBrintnellBritannia YoungstownBrooksideBrown IndustrialBulyea HeightsCaernarvonCalderCalgary Trail NorthCalgary Trail SouthCallaghanCallingwood NorthCallingwood SouthCanon RidgeCanoraCanossaCapilanoCarleton Square IndustrialCarlisleCarltonCarter CrestCashmanCasselmanCavanaghCentral McDougallChamberyChappelle AreaCharlesworthClareview Town CentreClover Bar AreaCloverdaleCoronet Addition IndustrialCoronet IndustrialCPR IrvineCrawford PlainsCrestwoodCromdaleCrystallina Nera EastCrystallina Nera WestCumberlandCy BeckerDaly GroveDavies Industrial EastDavies Industrial WestDecheneDecoteauDeltonDelwoodDesrochers AreaDominion IndustrialDonsdaleDovercourtDowntownDugganDunluceEastgate Business ParkEastwoodEaux ClairesEbbersEdgemontEdmiston IndustrialEdmonton Energy And Technology ParkEdmonton NorthlandsEdmonton Research and Development ParkEkotaEllerslieEllerslie IndustrialElmwoodElmwood ParkElsinoreEmpire ParkErmineskinEvansdaleEvergreenFalconer HeightsForest HeightsFraserFulton PlaceGagnon Estate IndustrialGainer IndustrialGariepyGarneauGarside IndustrialGirard IndustrialGlastonburyGlengarryGlenoraGlenriddingGlenridding HeightsGlenwoodGold BarGoodridge CornersGormanGrandview HeightsGranvilleGraydon HillGreenfieldGreenviewGriesbachGrovenorHaddowHagmann Estate IndustrialHairsineHawin Park Estate IndustrialHawks RidgeHays RidgeHazeldeanHenderson EstatesHeritage ValleyHeritage Valley Town CentreHigh ParkHigh Park IndustrialHighlandsHillviewHodgsonHollick-KenyonHolyroodHomesteaderHudsonHuff Bremner Estate IndustrialIdylwyldeIndustrial HeightsInglewoodJackson HeightsJamieson PlaceJasper ParkKameyosekKeheewinKenilworthKennedale IndustrialKensingtonKernohanKeswick AreaKildareKilkennyKillarneyKing Edward ParkKinglet GardensKiniski GardensKinokamau Plains AreaKirknessKlarvattenLa PerleLago LindoLambton IndustrialLansdowneLarkspurLauderdaleLaurelLaurier HeightsLee RidgeLegerLendrum PlaceLewis Farms IndustrialLoreleiLymburnLynnwoodMacEwanMactaggartMagrath HeightsMalmo PlainsMapleMaple RidgeMaple Ridge IndustrialMarquisMatt BerryMayfieldMayliewanMcArthur IndustrialMcCauleyMcConachieMcIntyre IndustrialMcKernanMcLeodMcNamara IndustrialMcQueenMeadowlark ParkMenisaMeyokuminMeyonohkMichaels ParkMill Creek Ravine NorthMill Creek Ravine SouthMill Woods Golf CourseMill Woods ParkMill Woods Town CentreMillerMinchauMistatim IndustrialMitchell IndustrialMontroseMorin IndustrialMorris IndustrialNewtonNorth GlenoraNorthmountNorwester IndustrialOgilvie RidgeOleskiwOliverOrmsby PlaceOttewellOverlandersOxfordOzernaPaisleyPapaschase IndustrialParkallenParkdaleParkviewParsons IndustrialPatricia HeightsPembinaPlace LaRuePleasantviewPollard MeadowsPotter GreensPoundmaker IndustrialPrince CharlesPrince RupertPylypow IndustrialQueen AlexandraQueen Mary ParkQuesnell HeightsRampart IndustrialRamsay HeightsRapperswillRhatigan RidgeRichfieldRichfordRideau ParkRio TerraceRitchieRiver Valley CameronRiver Valley Capitol HillRiver Valley Fort EdmontonRiver Valley GlenoraRiver Valley Gold BarRiver Valley HermitageRiver Valley HighlandsRiver Valley KinnairdRiver Valley LaurierRiver Valley MayfairRiver Valley OleskiwRiver Valley RiversideRiver Valley RundleRiver Valley TerwillegarRiver Valley VictoriaRiver Valley WalterdaleRiver Valley WhitemudRiver Valley WindermereRiver's EdgeRiverdaleRiverview AreaRoper IndustrialRosedale IndustrialRosenthalRossdaleRosslynRoyal GardensRundle HeightsRural North East Horse HillRural North East South SturgeonRural South EastRural West Big LakeRutherfordSakawSatooSchonseeSecordSheffield IndustrialSherbrookeSherwoodSifton ParkSilver BerrySkyrattlerSouth Edmonton CommonSouth TerwillegarSoutheast IndustrialSpruce AvenueStarlingSteinhauerStewart GreensStillwaterStone IndustrialStrathconaStrathcona Industrial ParkStrathcona JunctionStrathearnSuder GreensSummerleaSummersideSunwapta IndustrialSweet GrassTamarackTawaTerra LosaTerrace HeightsTerwillegar TowneThe HamptonsThe Orchards At EllerslieThe UplandsThorncliffTipaskanTrumpeter AreaTweddle PlaceTwin BrooksUniversity of AlbertaUniversity of Alberta FarmVirginia ParkWalkerWebber GreensWedgewood HeightsWeinlosWeir IndustrialWellingtonWest Jasper PlaceWest Meadowlark ParkWest Sheffield IndustrialWestbrook EstatesWestmountWestridgeWestview VillageWestwoodWhite IndustrialWhitemud Creek Ravine NorthWhitemud Creek Ravine SouthWhitemud Creek Ravine Twin BrooksWild RoseWilson IndustrialWindermereWindermere AreaWindsor ParkWinterburn Industrial Area EastWinterburn Industrial Area WestWoodcroftYellowhead Corridor EastYellowhead Corridor WestYorkYoungstown Industrial

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Population & demographics

Total population


Population age (%)

0-19 (24%)20-34 (23%)35-49 (22%)50-64 (18%)65+ (14%)


Average household income


Household composition (%)

Single person (31%)Multi person (7%)Single Family (61%)

Owners / Renters (%)

Owners (63%)Renters (37%)

Mother Tongue (%)

English (71%)Others (6%)Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino) (4%)Punjabi (Panjabi) (4%)Yue (Cantonese) (2%)Arabic (2%)Mandarin (2%)Spanish (2%)French (2%)

How much does it cost to live in Edmonton?


Median Selling Price$720,000

Average Days on Market


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Median Selling Price$120,000

Average Days on Market


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#Sold Listings (last 30 days)


Top 5 Schools in Edmonton

Old Scona School10523 - 84 Avenue, T6E 2H5, Edmonton, AB
Stratford Elementary/Junior High School8715 - 153 Street, T5R 1P1, Edmonton, AB
Grandview Heights School6225 - 127 Street, T6H 3W8, Edmonton, AB
Mount Pleasant School10541 - 60A Avenue, T6H 1K4, Edmonton, AB
Tempo School5603 - 148 Street, T6H 4T7, Edmonton, AB

Why live in Edmonton?

Edmonton is known for being an inviting community with friendly residents and a tight-knit feel, despite being a large Canadian city. In addition, the city has a low cost of living that is hard to find in many parts of Canada. Not only are salaries high here but there is no PST or HST, as well as some of the lowest gas and diesel prices in the country. Housing is also affordable, all of which results in more disposable income for those who live there. Further, Edmonton has a thriving economy, with key industries being agriculture, oil and gas, and manufacturing. There are also many jobs available in the education and healthcare sectors. Meanwhile, when it comes to culture, recreation, and entertainment, there is no shortage of fun activities in Edmonton. For instance, some of the area’s top attractions are the Art Gallery of Alberta, the Royal Alberta Museum, the Edmonton Valley Zoo, TELUS World of Science, the Muttart Conservatory, and the West Edmonton Mall, the largest shopping centre in all of North America. The city also hosts a number of festivals, like the Edmonton International Fringe Festival, Heritage Festival, and the Folk Music Festival every year (there’s a reason it’s been nicknamed “The Festival City”). Further, if you like enjoying the great outdoors you can do so in Edmonton. Elk Island National Park, Terwillegar Park, Lois Hole Centennial Provincial Park, and all kinds of urban parks, like Louise McKinney Riverfront Park, provide residents with plenty of opportunities to spend time in nature. For those that don’t know, Edmonton actually has the highest area of parkland per resident of any city in Canada. Plus, roughly three and a half hours by car lies Jasper National Park, one of the most breathtaking natural parks in Canada, home to a wide range of wildlife and the second largest dark sky preserve in the country. Overall, there are many reasons to live in Edmonton, among them are the vibrant culture, booming job market, affordable cost of living, and natural surroundings.

Quality and diversity of education in Edmonton

Education in Edmonton is high-quality thanks to the excellent public school districts, private schools, and post-secondary institutions that operate here. First, the Edmonton Public School Board (which runs 212 schools) and the Edmonton Catholic School Board are responsible for operating a myriad of public elementary, middle, and secondary schools in the city. They also happen to be two of the largest school districts in the province. There are also several options for private education in Edmonton, such as Edmonton Academy, Progressive Academy, The Waldorf Independent School of Edmonton, and Tempo School. Post-secondary educational opportunities are also in abundance in Edmonton. Some of the top colleges and universities in the city include the University of Alberta, Concordia University of Edmonton, The King’s University, MacEwan University, Athabasca University - Edmonton, and CDI College.

Most populous cities in Edmonton

The most populous neighbourhoods in Edmonton are Garneau, Oliver, Boyle Street, Callingwood South, and Cromdale.

Quality of infrastructure for Edmonton

Edmonton’s infrastructure is excellent, starting with its public transportation system, which is operated by Edmonton Transit Service (ETS). ETS operates the Edmonton Light Rail Transit (LRT) line and a fleet of buses that connects passengers with downtown Edmonton and the outer suburbs. The LRT runs from the north side of the city to the south side, while buses operate on all sides. For interprovincial or intraprovincial travel, you can easily catch a coach bus out of Edmonton. The main coach bus services that operate here are Ebus, Cold Shot, Rider Express, The Canada Bus, and Red Arrow. However, Via Rail, Canada’s nationwide passenger train service also has a station in Edmonton and it offers transport to other parts of Alberta, BC, and even to eastern Canada. Beyond the Via Rail station in Edmonton, there are also stops in Edson, Evansburg, Hinton, Jasper, Viking, and Wainwright. Further, Edmonton is home to the second largest airport in the province, Edmonton International Airport. If you prefer to drive, Edmonton is connected to many major highways in Alberta, like Highway AB-16 and Highway AB-2. Lastly, many of the province’s top hospitals can be found in Edmonton, such as the Royal Alexandra Hospital, University of Alberta Hospital, and Misericordia Community Hospital.

Safety and security for Edmonton

The Edmonton Police Service ensures the safety and security of Edmonton. However, crime typically isn’t a major concern, with some of the safest neighbourhoods being Garneau, Strathcona, Windsor Park, Belgravia, Aspen Gardens, and Hazeldean. Beyond crime, the risk of a natural disaster is low in Edmonton, If you’re in an emergency, call 9-1-1.

Edmonton property market

Edmonton’s housing market has gained a lot of momentum in recent years. Given that it is the second-largest city in Alberta, buying a home in Edmonton may be more expensive than in smaller towns or cities in the province. That said, homes are far more affordable in Edmonton than they are in other major Canadian cities, including Calgary, Vancouver, or Toronto. Some of the most common property types you will find in Edmonton include detached homes, semi-detached homes, duplexes, townhomes, apartments, and condos.

Standard of living in Edmonton

The overall standard of living in Edmonton is high. It has a bustling economy, plenty of attractions for people of all ages, a lively city centre, affordable housing, and tons of green space. Plus, it has all the convenience of being a major city, complete with its own international airport, Via Rail stations, and top-notch education and healthcare facilities.

Something wonderful about Edmonton

We briefly mentioned that Edmonton is home to the largest shopping centre in North America (formerly the largest shopping centre in the world), the West Edmonton Mall - but what exactly does that mean? Well, the West Edmonton Mall, which first opened its doors in 1981, is approximately 5.3 million square feet in size, or the equivalent of 48 city blocks. Thus, as you can imagine, it has set more than one world record. Within the mall itself, visitors will find everything from an indoor theme park (home to the largest indoor roller coaster in the world) and a water park to an ice skating rink, pirate ship, mini golf course, aquarium, and two hotels, not to mention over 800 shops and 100 restaurants. Current Guinness World Records held by the West Edmonton Mall include world's largest indoor lake, world’s largest indoor wave pool, world’s tallest indoor permanent bungee tower, and world's largest parking lot with more than 20,000 spaces, and over 10,000 overflow spaces. In essence, you could spend days (or even weeks) exploring this mega shopping complex. Unlike almost anywhere else in the world, you can spend a day shopping ‘til you drop, riding a roller coaster, marvelling at sea lions, surfing indoors, and having a bite to eat all in the same place. In other words, the West Edmonton Mall is a must-visit anytime you are in the city.

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