
Homes For Sale in Saint Andrews

21 Listings
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Saint Andrews, nestled in Charlotte County, New Brunswick, is a charming coastal town with a commute time of approximately one hour to the nearest major city, Saint John. Known for its laid-back maritime lifestyle, Saint Andrews offers a unique blend of historic charm and natural beauty, making it an ideal place for those seeking tranquility and a slower pace of life. Residents and visitors alike are captivated by the town's rich history, stunning seaside views, and friendly community. One of the town's most beloved features is its vibrant arts scene, with numerous galleries, studios, and live music venues dotting the picturesque streets. However, if you're expecting a bustling nightlife or a plethora of big-city amenities, Saint Andrews may not be the place for you. The town prides itself on its close-knit community and serene atmosphere, offering a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Population & demographics

Total population


Population age (%)

0-19 (16%)20-34 (13%)35-49 (14%)50-64 (26%)65+ (31%)


Average household income


Household composition (%)

Single person (32%)Multi person (3%)Single Family (65%)

Owners / Renters (%)

Owners (80%)Renters (20%)

Mother Tongue (%)

English (93%)Others (4%)French (3%)