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Arteries nearby, but traffic congestion and parking problems are possible
Few day-to-day needs are within walking distance
Transit is available for some trips
Some cafés within walking distance
At least one grocery store within a 30-minute walk
Few or no bars within walking distance
Some shops within walking distance
Some restaurants within walking distance
Few sources of noise nearby
Quiet atmosphere at all hours
Windsor Park, Edmonton, offers a quick commute to the bustling city centre, with an average travel time of just 15 minutes. This neighbourhood is a haven for those who appreciate an active lifestyle, with its close proximity to the North Saskatchewan River Valley, offering ample opportunities for hiking, biking, and outdoor exploration. Residents love the community spirit in Windsor Park, where neighbours know each other by name and local events are a regular occurrence. The area is also home to the University of Alberta's main campus, adding a youthful, energetic vibe to the neighbourhood. However, don't expect a bustling nightlife scene in Windsor Park. This is a community that values tranquility and family-friendly activities, with a focus on outdoor recreation and community involvement rather than late-night entertainment. Windsor Park, with its blend of natural beauty, community spirit, and easy access to urban amenities, offers a unique lifestyle that residents wouldn't trade for anything.