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Median Selling Price$385,000
Average Days on Market
#Active Listings (last 30 days)
#Sold Listings (last 30 days)
Median Selling Price$217,500
Average Days on Market
#Active Listings (last 30 days)
#Sold Listings (last 30 days)
Excellent access to freeways and major arteries, with a vast amount of parking nearby
Few day-to-day needs are within walking distance
Some cafés within walking distance
At least one grocery store within a 15-minute walk
Few or no bars within walking distance
Variety of shops within walking distance
Some restaurants within walking distance
Some sources of noise nearby
Quiet atmosphere at all hours
Marlborough Norwood, nestled in the heart of Medicine Hat, offers a serene lifestyle with an average commute time of just 15 minutes to the city centre. The neighbourhood is known for its friendly, community-oriented lifestyle, with numerous parks, local shops, and family-friendly activities. Residents love the city for its unique blend of small-town charm and urban amenities, including the renowned Medicine Hat College and the Esplanade Arts & Heritage Centre. However, don't expect the hustle and bustle of a big city; Marlborough Norwood is a place where neighbours know each other by name and the pace of life is relaxed. The city's commitment to maintaining its natural beauty, including the stunning South Saskatchewan River, is another highlight, but be prepared for the region's distinct seasons, with cold, snowy winters and warm, sunny summers. In Marlborough Norwood, you'll find a welcoming community that values its history, embraces its present, and looks forward to its future.