Homes For Sale in Saskatoon

521 Listings
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Adelaide/ChurchillAgpro IndustrialAgriplaceAirport Business AreaAirport Management AreaArbor CreekAspen RidgeAvalonBlairmore Development AreaBlairmore Suburban CentreBrevoort ParkBriarwoodBrightonBuena VistaCaswell HillCentral Business DistrictCentral IndustrialCity ParkCN IndustrialCN Yards Management AreaCollege ParkCollege Park EastConfederation ParkConfederation Suburban CentreDiefenbaker Management AreaDundonaldEastviewElk PointErindaleEvergreenExhibitionFairhavenForest GroveGordie Howe Management AreaGreystone HeightsGrosvenor ParkHampton VillageHaultainHillcrest Management AreaHoliday ParkHollistonHolmwood Development AreaHudson Bay IndustrialHudson Bay ParkKelsey - WoodlawnKensingtonKing GeorgeLakeridgeLakeviewLakewood Suburban CentreLawson HeightsLawson Heights Suburban CentreMarquis IndustrialMassey PlaceMayfairMeadowgreenMontgomery PlaceMount RoyalNorth Development AreaNorth IndustrialNorth ParkNorth West Development AreaNutanaNutana ParkNutana Suburban CentrePacific HeightsParkridgePleasant HillQueen ElizabethRichmond HeightsRiver HeightsRiversdaleRosewoodSaskPower Management AreaSilverspringSilverwood HeightsSouth Development AreaSouth East Development AreaSouth West Development AreaSouth West IndustrialStonebridgeSutherlandU of S Lands East Management AreaU of S Lands Management AreaU of S Lands North Management AreaU of S Lands South Management AreaUniversity Heights Development AreaUniversity Heights Suburban CentreVarsity ViewWest IndustrialWestmountWestviewWildwoodWillowgrove

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Population & demographics

Total population


Population age (%)

0-19 (24%)20-34 (23%)35-49 (20%)50-64 (17%)65+ (15%)


Average household income


Household composition (%)

Single person (31%)Multi person (7%)Single Family (61%)

Owners / Renters (%)

Owners (65%)Renters (35%)

Mother Tongue (%)

English (83%)Others (6%)Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino) (3%)Mandarin (2%)Urdu (1%)French (1%)Punjabi (Panjabi) (1%)

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