Days on market
Property type
Academy HeightsAlgomaBirchwood HeightsCherry RidgeCollege HeightsCollege ParkCounty ParkCourt-CumberlandCurrent RiverEast EndEdgewater ParkForest ParkGemstoneGrandviewGreen AcresHyde ParkIntercity IndustrialJumbo GardensMariday ParkMcIntyreMcKellar ParkMount ForestNorthwoodParkdaleRiver TerraceRosslynSherwood EstatesShuniahSimpson-OgdenWest EndWestfort
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Mother Tongue (%)
Median Selling Price$552,900
Average Days on Market
#Active Listings (last 30 days)
#Sold Listings (last 30 days)
Excellent access to freeways and major arteries, with a vast amount of parking nearby
Other transportation modes are needed to reach day-to-day needs
Few transit options
Few or no cafés within walking distance
At least one grocery store within a 30-minute walk
Few or no bars within walking distance
Some shops within walking distance
Few or no restaurants within walking distance
Some sources of noise nearby
Quiet atmosphere at all hours
Thunder Bay, nestled on the shores of Lake Superior, offers a unique blend of urban and outdoor lifestyles. The average commute time to the nearest major city, Winnipeg, is approximately eight hours by car, making Thunder Bay a self-contained community. Residents enjoy a relaxed pace of life, with a wealth of outdoor activities at their doorstep, including hiking, fishing, and skiing. The city is known for its vibrant arts scene, with numerous galleries, festivals, and live music events throughout the year. Thunder Bay's culinary scene is also a highlight, boasting a range of locally sourced fare, from fresh Lake Superior fish to wild blueberries. However, don't expect the hustle and bustle of a larger city. Thunder Bay's charm lies in its close-knit community, natural beauty, and slower pace of life. Despite its remote location, the city offers a high standard of living, with excellent healthcare facilities, schools, and amenities. Thunder Bay is a city that truly offers the best of both worlds - the amenities of city living and the tranquility of nature.