Homes For Sale in Whalley

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Population & demographics

Total population


Population age (%)

0-19 (20%)20-34 (29%)35-49 (20%)50-64 (18%)65+ (13%)


Average household income


Household composition (%)

Single person (29%)Multi person (11%)Single Family (57%)Multi Family (2%)

Owners / Renters (%)

Owners (54%)Renters (46%)

Mother Tongue (%)

English (39%)Punjabi (Panjabi) (32%)Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino) (5%)Hindi (4%)Mandarin (3%)Others (2%)Spanish (2%)Yue (Cantonese) (2%)Vietnamese (1%)Arabic (1%)

Top 5 Schools in Whalley

Khalsa School Old Yale Road10677 124 St, Surrey, BC
Our Lady of Good Counsel10504 139 St, V3T 4L5, Surrey, BC
Brookside Elementary8555 142a St, V3W 0S6, Surrey, BC
Cindrich Elementary13455 90 Ave, V3V 8A2, Surrey, BC
A H P Matthew Elementary13367 97 Ave, V3T 1A4, Surrey, BC

Whalley, Surrey, is a vibrant neighbourhood with an average commute time of just 35 minutes to Vancouver, the nearest major city. This community is known for its active lifestyle, with numerous parks, trails, and recreational facilities that cater to both fitness enthusiasts and families. Residents love the city's cultural diversity, which is reflected in its wide range of international cuisines and annual multicultural events. However, don't expect a sleepy suburban atmosphere; Whalley is a bustling urban centre with a lively nightlife and a thriving arts scene. Despite its city-like vibe, the neighbourhood maintains a strong sense of community, making it a welcoming place for newcomers.

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