Homes For Sale in St. Louis

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Population & demographics

Total population


Population age (%)

0-19 (29%)20-34 (17%)35-49 (15%)50-64 (18%)65+ (21%)


Average household income


Household composition (%)

Single person (31%)Multi person (4%)Single Family (65%)

Owners / Renters (%)

Owners (71%)Renters (29%)

Mother Tongue (%)

English (87%)French (11%)English and French (1%)

St. Louis No. 431, a rural municipality in Saskatchewan, is a mere 30-minute commute to the bustling city of Prince Albert. The local lifestyle is a harmonious blend of rural tranquility and urban convenience, offering residents the best of both worlds. The community is known for its friendly, tight-knit atmosphere and a slower pace of life that allows for a deep appreciation of the surrounding natural beauty. One of the standout features of St. Louis No. 431 is its rich agricultural heritage, which is evident in the local farms and markets, making it a haven for fresh produce lovers. However, don't expect a bustling nightlife or a plethora of shopping malls; St. Louis No. 431 is more about embracing a peaceful, rural lifestyle. The absence of city hustle and bustle is replaced by the charm of country living, making it a perfect place for those seeking a serene and quiet environment.

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