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Excellent access to freeways and major arteries, with a vast amount of parking nearby
Other transportation modes are needed to reach day-to-day needs
Few transit options
Few or no cafés within walking distance
At least one grocery store within a 30-minute walk
Few or no bars within walking distance
Some shops within walking distance
Some restaurants within walking distance
Multiple sources of noise nearby
Quiet atmosphere at all hours
The University/SIAST neighbourhood in Regina, Saskatchewan, offers a vibrant lifestyle with a commute time of approximately two hours to the nearest major city, Saskatoon. This area is a hub of academic and cultural activity, with the University of Regina and Saskatchewan Polytechnic (formerly SIAST) at its heart. Residents enjoy a rich blend of educational opportunities, recreational facilities, and a diverse range of restaurants and shops. The city's Wascana Centre, one of the largest urban parks in North America, is a beloved feature, offering year-round outdoor activities. Regina's friendly community spirit is a standout feature, with locals known for their warm hospitality. However, don't expect the hustle and bustle of a larger city. Regina's pace is relaxed, and its charm lies in its blend of urban amenities and small-town feel. The city's low crime rate and high quality of life make it an ideal place to live, work, and study.