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Excellent access to freeways and major arteries, with a vast amount of parking nearby
Other transportation modes are needed to reach day-to-day needs
Few or no cafés within walking distance
No grocery stores within walking distance
Few or no bars within walking distance
Few or no shops within walking distance
Few or no restaurants within walking distance
Some sources of noise nearby
Quiet atmosphere at all hours
The North Shore, Algoma, offers a serene lifestyle with an average commute time of just 45 minutes to the nearest major city, Sault Ste. Marie. This community is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, with a wealth of recreational activities such as fishing, hiking, and boating, thanks to its proximity to Lake Superior. Residents and visitors alike love the North Shore for its breathtaking natural beauty, including the stunning autumn foliage and the tranquil, picturesque beaches. However, don't expect a bustling nightlife or a plethora of shopping malls; the North Shore is more about embracing the great outdoors and the peace and quiet that comes with small-town living. The community is tight-knit, with friendly locals who are always ready to lend a hand, making it a perfect place for those seeking a slower pace of life.