Homes For Sale in Wellington

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Population & demographics

Total population


Population age (%)

0-19 (25%)20-34 (12%)35-49 (24%)50-64 (25%)65+ (14%)


Average household income


Household composition (%)

Single person (13%)Multi person (2%)Single Family (84%)

Owners / Renters (%)

Owners (94%)Renters (6%)

Mother Tongue (%)

English (96%)French (2%)English and French (1%)

Wellington, Halifax, offers a short average commute time of just 30 minutes to the bustling city of Dartmouth, making it a convenient location for those seeking a balance between city and suburban life. The local lifestyle is a blend of tranquility and activity, with residents enjoying the peaceful surroundings and the proximity to the vibrant city life. Wellington is loved for its close-knit community, where neighbours are more like friends, and the scenic beauty of the area is a constant source of inspiration. Don't expect a fast-paced city vibe here; Wellington is a place where life moves at a more relaxed pace, allowing residents to savour each moment. Despite its serene atmosphere, Wellington is not devoid of amenities, with a range of local shops, restaurants, and recreational facilities adding to its charm. The area is a testament to the fact that you don't have to compromise on convenience to enjoy a peaceful lifestyle.

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