Homes For Sale in East Ship Harbour

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Population & demographics

Total population


Population age (%)

0-19 (16%)20-34 (10%)35-49 (14%)50-64 (28%)65+ (32%)


Mother Tongue (%)

English (99%)French (1%)

How much does it cost to live in East Ship Harbour?


Median Selling Price$400,000

East Ship Harbour, located in Halifax, is a serene community with an average commute time of approximately 50 minutes to the bustling city of Dartmouth. This neighbourhood is known for its laid-back lifestyle, with residents often spending their time enjoying the natural beauty of the area, whether it's hiking, fishing, or simply taking in the stunning harbour views. One of the most cherished aspects of East Ship Harbour is its strong sense of community; neighbours know each other by name and there's a palpable sense of camaraderie. However, don't expect a bustling nightlife or a plethora of shopping centres; East Ship Harbour is a place for tranquillity and relaxation, not commercial hustle and bustle. Despite this, the area's charm lies in its simplicity and the genuine warmth of its residents. With its beautiful landscapes and close-knit community, East Ship Harbour offers a unique living experience that's hard to find elsewhere.

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